Register Your Favorite Church

IMPORTANT: Confirm your Church is not already listed at our Church Locator

Use This Form to Add or Update Church Information or
Upgrade Your Church WebLink

* Required fields must be completed to be included in Directory

Church Information

Church Name *

Church Address* - Include Location & Mailing Addresses

Ex: 123 Any Street, POB 111

Church City *

Church State *

Church Zip Code *

Church Phone *


Church Type *

Church Details (Optional)


Name of Pastor/Church Leader:

Approximate Church Size (Sunday Morning Attendance):

Sunday Morning: Service Type - Service Time - Worship Style (Maximum of 3)

Example: S:9:30am-N / W:9:30am-T / W:6:00pm-M
ServiceTypes Worship Style
S-Sunday School
B-Bible Study/Small Group

T-Traditional Worship Style - Hymns, formal prayers, etc
C-Contemporary Worship Style - Contemporary choruses, informal
E-Emerging Style - Spontaneous, dramatic, etc
N-Not Applicable

Additional Available Ministries
Nursery (N)
Sunday School (S)
Children's Ministry (C)
Teens Ministry (T)
Adults Ministry (A)
Seniors (E)
Divorced/Single (D)
Men's Ministry (M)
Women's Ministry (W)
Small Groups/Bible Studies (G)
Annual/Regular Retreats (R)
Other (AWANA, Pioneers, AA, Scouts, etc.)

Our Church is Universally (Wheelchair) Accessible
This symbol will be added to your Church listing when approved.

NOTE: Why not the traditional "Handicap Access" sign? We have adopted the "Universal Access" sign to be more inclusive of those individuals who have physical limitations that may not require the use of a wheelchair.

Our Church is listed on the National Register of Historic Places
This symbol will be added to your Church listing when approved

Our Church is part of the Axiom Network - Learn about aXiom
This symbol will be added to your Church listing when approved

Registration Information - will not appear in Directory

* Required fields must be completed to be included in Directory

Your Name *

Your Address

Your City

Your State

Your Zip Code

Your Email *

Your Relationship to Church:

Add your Church's URL/Web Address:

NOTE: Leave this field blank if you are NOT requesting to have your website added.

Yes, our Church has a website but we are not adding it at this time. Update our Church Data only

* Records are not approved automatically. Please allow 3 business days for approval.